Washington DC is in the process of rolling out so-called “small cells" on nearly every block of the City. These cell antennas emit high levels of wireless radio-frequency electromagnetic microwave radiation (RF-EMR) 24/7 — with no opt out.
These Draft Guidelines reflect what is already in the agreements. The DC government has asked for citizens to comment on the plan and draft guidelines slated to place these 4G/5G cell tower antennas throughout DC.
The Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC3/4G) issued a Resolution re Small Cell Wireless calling for a halt until safety is assured.
These “small cells” will be placed directly in front of homes as close as the nearest utility pole (potentially as close as ten feet from homes), and packed as closely together as 60 feet from one antenna to the next. (Please note that’s just for one side of the street…across the street can mirror the same dense network.) These “small cells are coming unless DC residents raise their voices loud and clear and say NO, by showing up at 1:00 pm on Monday, Oct 15th
Although DC already signed agreements (was there any public input?) with AT&T, Verizon, Crown Castle, ExteNet and Mobilitie, there is still hope these agreements can be canceled or worked around given enough public pressure. Verizon licensing agreement includes the following two statements (https://octo.dc.gov/page/small-cells):
"The District’s reasonable long-term management of the Public Rights of Way; the public health, safety and welfare; and other public purpose requirements of the District have first priority over any use of the Public Right of Way by Licensee.”
"The specific location of any Wireless Communications Facility within the Public Right of Way requires the approval of the Department, which approval may be withheld on a nondiscriminatory, competitive neutral basis for reasons of public health, safety, and welfare or with respect to the reasonable management of the Public Right of Way."
So might not the health of every resident living near or next to one of the microwave emitting towers be given “first priority” over the placement of Verizon’s towers?
Historic districts are getting less-intruive installations (with undergrounded equipment, except for the antenna) and the other areas are not. (Up to 28 cubic feet of ancillary equipment may be attached to the wooden utility pole).
Please note: according to the draft ordinance, the main artery between the Capitol and the White House – Pennsylvania Ave. NW between 1st and 15th Streets will be exempted from “small cells” altogether. This exemption includes the Capitol, the White House and the Trump Hotel. If history serves – the more affluent areas will be able to minimize the deployment in their neighborhood as well.
Come to the hearing to say why you don’t want cell towers next to your home further polluting your community. (Details below)
Following are is a summary and some recommendations made by a veteran California activist who has successfully helped many cities craft protective local ordinances for the deployment of “small cells”.
The first step occurred in April-July, 2018: the signing of five separate Master Licensing Agreements (MLA) between Government of the District of Columbia by and through the District of Columbia Department of Transportation and the District of Columbia Office of the Chief Technology Officer (hereinafter the District) and each of the parties listed below (source: https://octo.dc.gov/page/small-cells)
- Verizon
- AT&T
- Crown Castle
- Mobilitie
- Extenet
Each of these agreements can and should be cancelled due to fraud in the inducement because none of them adequately protects the District from the liability transfer for health damages from RF-EMR exposures, explained well in this seminal letter that we credit for moving votes in CA against the CA Small Cell Deployment Bill, SB 649: Votes went from 32-1 the first time though the CA Senate to 22-18 the second time through — which gave Gov. Jerry Brown the comfort he needed to veto the bill on Oct 15, 2017: http://scientists4wiredtech.com/2017/10/gov-brown-be-smart-veto-sb649/
Without cancelling these agreements, the second step, the meeting on October 15, is just Democracy theater — a discussion with little chance of changing the outcome.
Strong Recommendation: attack the existing MLA licensing agreements during the Oct. 15 meeting and demand each agreemnt be cancelled and then renegotiated, following a public process that includes citizen input.
Public Hearing on 5G Deployment
You are invited to Oppose the DC Hearing Small Cell 5G Transmitters in Neighborhood Streets
- When: Monday, October 15, 2018 at 1:00 pm
- Where: Room 200 of 1100 4th St SW.
- Why: Washington is about to deploy 5G small cells but first they need to build the cell towers in front of your homes to make 5G work.
- Who Can Come? PSC meetings are open to the public and the PSC welcomes testimony from all parties."
Contact PSC staff at: PublicSpace.Committee if you wish to testify. Do you live, work or visit DC? Then you have a stake in this new deployment and we hope all who care about DC will come to let their voice be heard.
Who is opposed? Lots of Washington DC citizens and the DC Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) are waking up to this issue!
- Read what the DC Committee of 10 says in their blog post 5G Small Cell Rollout in DC – What You Need to Know
- The Washington DC Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) on 3G/4G also issued a resolution opposing these “small cells”. Opposing Small Cell Wireless And 5G Technology Without Studies Confirming Safety which was unanimously passed by ANC 3/4G September 24, 2018
- Link to: Page of Master license agreements
- Link to: Draft Guidelines
- Link to: 5G Small Cell Rollout in DC – What You Need to Know"
- Link to: Opposing Small Cell Wireless And 5G Technology Without Studies Confirming Safety" Unanimously Passed By ANC 3/4G September 24, 2018
- Link to: Draft Small Cell Guidelines
- Link to: EH Trust Moratorium
- Link to: EH Trust Doctors Letters Against Cell Tower placmennt
- [Link to](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/5g-is-in-reach-but-only-if-we-set-the-right-policies/2018/09/26/9d5c322e-c1c7-11e8-8f06-009b39c3f6dd_story.html?utm_
The District must not install any Wireless Telecommunications Facility (WTF), Small Cell or otherwise, any closer than 2,500 feet from residences.
"Rather than ‘winning the global race to 5G,’ ANC 3/4G considers the protection of residents’ health and welfare to be the District’s highest priority — not simply making installations cheaper and easier. Instead of racing pell-mell to authorize small cell installations without any reliable basis for finding that they are safe, the District should oppose this federal imposition until scientific data shows that it will have no serious adverse consequences for District residents. We should not willingly participate in this population-wide experiment that could have catastrophic consequences.” Advisory Neighborhood Commission http://www.anc3g.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/ANC-Resolution-re-Small-Cell-Wireless-9-27-18.pdf
James Robert Deal , Attorney & Broker
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