Do children who get the MMR vaccination have an increased risk for developing autism?
Yatir Ben Shlomo, Researcher at DayTwo
Yes, depending on some circumstances
A Senior scientist in the CDC itself, William Thompson, became a Whistleblower and admitted in 2014 ,to autism research fraud. He revealed that for certain children – getting the MMR vaccine on time is associated with a statistically significant increase in the risk for autism.
Thompson, who is still employed at the CDC under protection of the federal Whistleblower Protection Act
has released a statement, published in the website of the law firm he hired : Morgan Verkamp LLC. he writes:
I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism
You can read the original statement here…
Thompson has submitted all the original documents revealing the cover-up to congressman Bill Posey
you can get access to all these documents from this link:
Download The CDC Autism/MMR Files Released By Dr. William Thompson – Vaxxed
Here is Bill Posey discussing the issue in Congress:
If you Google “William Thompson whistleblower” you will find many links attempting to “debunk “ the entire issue and to downplay the severity of the statement.
Please do not let this distract you from the facts
Vaccines (not necessarily the MMR, but rather the entire vaccination program) Are indeed a risk factor for some children
Yes autism is vaccine poisoning
There were 287 mmr autism claimants in uk
And vaers Search Results from the VAERS Database
Why they withdrew legal funding
"Dr Kenneth Aitken, a specialist in the treatment of autism, believes there is a clear link between autism and the MMR jab. "When I was training, one in 2,500 [children were autistic]. Now it is one in 250. At the moment, the only logical explanation for this is MMR," he said."
Professor Wakefield said: "Last week in our clinic we saw nine or 10 new children with exactly the same story, referred by jobbing paediatricians from around the country who said, ‘This child developed normally, had a reaction to MMR and is now autistic’"
"Last summer, Dr. William Thompson, senior scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and someone working on the national immunization program came forward after 13 years and said, ‘We have known for 13 years, MMR vaccine causes autism and we have concealed that fact.’ "He not only said it, he gave us all of the documents–all of the original emails, transcripts, data outputs, databases, draft papers, original analysis plans, exchanges with his colleagues where he had tried repeatedly to bring this to their attention. Right to the very top of the CDC. Right to Julie Gerberding, who was director of the CDC before she left to join Merck as their director of immunizations. "They all knew: Walter Orenstein, head of the National Immunization Program–they all knew. He had told them all. They concealed it systematically, and eventually, he could no longer live with himself. He came forward and has become a whistleblower…….. "And that is what they concealed, and in doing so they put millions and millions of American children in harm’s way, knowingly and willfully."
No. Not according to the studies that have been published. Many found the opposite is true. MMR vaccines decrease the risk of developing autism.
Some believe that this is not because the MMR vaccine does really lower the risk of developing autism but because of healthy user bias which could hide the true risk of the MMR vaccine.[1]
According to the CDC whistle blower Dr. Thompson, a 20-year veteran at the CDC and senior vaccine safety scientist, they found that earlier MMR administration increased risk for african-americans and that MMR vaccination increased risk of developing isolated autism.[2] [3]
Thompson also said that their studies showed an association between Thimerosal in vaccines and tics, a neuropsychiatric disorder.
[1] Healthy User Bias: The Fatal Flaw In Vaccine Safety Research
[2] CDC Blocks Testimony by Vaccine Whistleblower in Medical Malpractice Case
[3] CDC Whistle Blower Full Audio
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