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James Robert Deal is running for the US Senate for Washington state. James is a green progressive. He says we should become an organic nation, ban Roundup and other toxic and unnecessary pesticides. We should terminate fluoridation. We should ban smart meters and 5G.



My chosen pro bono work as an attorney is to wake people up to the many profitable frauds which harm our health and waste our taxes. Smart meters and 5G are the latest frauds. Smart meters exceed the scope of utility easements, violate Washington statutes and so are illegal, collect data for resale on our every electrical activity.

JRDeal NewZ 7-1-17

JRDeal NewZ 7-1-17

Attorney James Robert Deal is running for Lynnwood City Council. Issues: Traffic congestion, fluoridation, smart meters, getting the money out of politics.

Stolen Elections

Stolen Elections

Republicans stole votes and stole the 2016 election by striking Blacks, Latinos, Muslims, and Asians from the voter rolls,

Election and Campaign Finance Reform

Election and Campaign Finance Reform

Election reform, campaign finance reform, and public disclosure reform should all be addressed together. They overlap. You cannot do a good job of fixing one without fixing them all. Corporations should not be allowed to contribute. Lobbyists should not be allowed to arrange contributions. We should have instant run-off voting.