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Saving Orcas By Saving Salmon
Quit Poisoning Them With Roundup And Fluoride

from James Robert Deal

January 16, 2019

To save the Orcas we must save the salmon. There are two salmon killing factors which generally go unmentioned because there is a lot of money that support them.

The first is Roundup. Roundup kills certain bacteria in the stomachs of salmon that are necessary for digestion. Roundup does the same thing to humans. Roundup is sprayed on wheat, barley, oats, canola, flax, peas, lentils, soybeans, dry beans, sugar beets, and sugar cane. It flows from fields into streams and rivers. Anything made from these products that is not organic is Roundup poisoned, including meat from animals that eat these products.

The World Health Organization has declared Roundup to be a carcinogen. Roundup is sprayed on non-GMO wheat, alfalfa, and other non-GMO crops to kill them, so the entire crop will be ready for harvest before the Autumn rains start.

Roundup is a weed killer. There are now robots that can chop up weeds. Roundup is obsolete.

We spray Roundup on roadsides, parks, and millions of lawns and driveway cracks. From there it flows into streams and rivers. Washington and the entire nation should ban Roundup and become an organic state and nation, as have Bhutan and Kazakhstan. Farm exports would increase and farmers would prosper because many countries oppose GMO crops. Everything can be grown organically, and so everything should be grown organically.

Golf courses are toxic to salmon. Thousands of Washington golf courses are heavily treated with insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides. Labels on the poisons say “kills fish.” There are popular and profitable organic golf courses such as one in Martha’s Vineyard where President Obama played.

There is a second toxin which should be banned. It is one of our most sacred cows. Fluoride is present at high levels in discharge water from sewage treatment plants. Fluoride repels and kills salmon.

Fluoride is added during original treatment. Most fluoridated water continues all the way to final sewage treatment plants, where it cannot be removed by filtration because the ion is too small. More fluoride is added in the form of highly concentrated fluoride toothpaste spit that goes down the drain. These together raise the discharge concentration up into the 1.0 ppm range, more than enough to repel and kill salmon. The Snohomish River has had salmon crashes. There are four sewer districts which discharge fluoridated water into the river – Monroe, Snohomish, Everett, and Marysville. Salmon must run four gauntlets.

Salmon expel and resist absorption of salts while they are out in the salty ocean. When salmon return to fresh water, they convert to absorbing and retaining salts. One of those salts is fluoride, which is concentrated enough in water treatment effluent that salmon are turned back and killed.

Fluoridation is of little benefit to teeth and slowly poisons those who drink fluoridated water. Likewise, fluoride toothpaste and fluoride in the dental office are profitable frauds.

The fluoride used to fluoridate our water is toxic waste grade and contains lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, and other contaminants. It adds around 3.0 trillion atoms of lead and around 2.0 trillion atoms of arsenic to each liter of fluoridated water.

Fluoride also leaches lead from plumbing. It is possible to completely eliminate lead leaching by not adding acids such as fluoride and chlorine to water. Water can be purified instead using ozonation.

We should enact laws in Washington and nationwide to ban Roundup and fluoridation and make ours an organic state and an organic nation.

We all want to save the orcas and the salmon. To do so we must take into account all the reasons why salmon are in decline. Roundup and fluoride are two salmon toxins which must be taken into account if we are to succeed.


James Robert Deal
Real Estate Attorney & Real Estate Managing Broker

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