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Important links:

What you can do to stop smart meters in Snohomish County:

Call 425-783-1000 and leave messages for the three commissioners.

Send an email to

Attend SnoPUD Zoom meetings, always on a Tuesday, usually the first Tuesday of each month, and a second meeting later in the month.

Join the Zoom session and make your comment. Maximum 5 minutes. Or call in by phone:

Dial in: 253-215-8782
Meeting ID: 975 0758 0706
Password: 613714

The June PUD Meeting was the first time that Staff openly promoted smart meters or even declared openly that smart meters were coming. Staff acted like smart meters are a “done deal”.

“Smart meters are a boondoggle, Everett Herald

Environmental Effects


Letter to the Editor, for publication on August 3:

PO Box 2276, Lynnwood, Washington  98036
Telephone 425-771-1110, Fax 425-776-8081

August 2, 2020

PUD Commissioners Logan and Olson
Oppose Public Hearings on Smart Meters

Fifteen PUD staff members put on a workshop on June 23 in which they spoke of smart meters and a $100 million bond issue to finance them as a “done deal.”

Commissioner Rebecca Wolfe charged the Staff with moving too fast. She asked for open public hearings on smart meters from a wide range of viewpoints.

In response, PUD Staff brought in industry consultant Richard Tell on July 21. Tell droned on for hours about smart meters safety. “Done deal” smart meter sales talk then appeared on the website.

Wolfe called again for open public hearings on health and other issues. However, both Commissioner Sid Logan and Toni Olson said that they were opposed to public hearings and would vote on smart meters on August 4.

Commissioner Olson commented that she had been unable to find anything on the Internet regarding smart meters specifically being harmful. However, the issue is total radiation from all sources that is relevant, including cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi, and 50,000 5G satellites now being launched. Smart meters add to total cumulative exposure to carcinogenic radiation.

Both Logan and Olson say they oppose rate increases. However, the fact that smart meters operate constantly and therefore use more power means that rates will have to go up. Bond payments could exceed $1 million per month.

James Robert Deal, Attorney
WSBA Number 8103



James Robert Deal
Real Estate Attorney & Real Estate Managing Broker
PO Box 2276 Lynnwood WA 98036
Law Office Line: 425-771-1110
Broker Line: 425-774-6611
Cell: 425-670-1405 (I do not check for texts)
KW Everett Office Line: 425-212-2007
Fax: 425-776-8081

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