Save Our Communities (SOC)
The current Mediated Role Determination (MRD) is a long-standing, often reaffirmed County policy document – it strongly discourages, but does not prohibit scheduled commercial air service.
The majority of the county’s population lives in the general vicinity of Paine Field. Zoning changes based upon the CURRENT role of Paine Field led to a large number of neighborhoods, churches, and schools to be built.
Boeing is the economic lifeblood of this County, and Boeing will not be put at risk in this negotiation process. The airport improvement funding issue is just a clever tactic used by our opponents in hopes of diverting the focus away from their greedy intentions.
The FAA does not “force” an airport role to be changed. The FAA does require good faith negotiations from airports that receive discretionary FAA funding.
ZERO is the number of airline complaints about the county good faith negotiations therefore FAA funding is NOT at risk. No one has given any airline an absolute ‘No’.
Airports always have project ‘wish lists’ for FAA funding – but funds are limited, it is extremely competitive, and only a small number of projects get funded each year. Some projects are for the current role of the airport and others are for future “possible” roles for the airport.
ZERO is the number of dollars the county must subsidize an airline with according to the FAA. Airline subsidies by any entity calls into question the sustainability of an airline business model and ability to pay. County subsidies would violate the “strongly discourage” county position. Any special interest subsidies would be counter to the public good as expressed by current policy and resolutions and should require full disclosure and transparency.
‘Negotiating in good faith’ first requires an airline to be fully transparent as to the number of flights they truly intend to have and the financial ability of the airline and any subsidizing entities to pay for “all” costs. Airport operators can and should point out administrative and procedural requirements that must be overcome by wanted or unwanted airline applicants.
FAA rules DO NOT ALLOW for limitations on the number or time of scheduled flights once ANY SCHEDULED flights are allowed. Allowing any level of scheduled air service now will preclude the County from controlling the future role of Paine Field.
Even the most cursory research produces an overwhelming body of evidence showing decreased residential property values, adverse learning & health impacts, environmental impacts, and increased crime rates near large airports.
Our opponents consist mainly of two self-serving groups:
- Land owner/developers that stand to “profit” from our misery.
- Some residents located a distance from Paine Field flight paths – and they, simply, don’t care about the rest of us.
Save Our Communities (SOC)