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Erin Brockovich has co-signed a letter to the National Governors Association, addressed to the attention of all our governors. Her letter is also cc’d to an interesting group of professionals, including the District Attorney of the District of Columbia and Attorney General of the United States.

Please share this link to Erin’s letter with your elected local, state, and federal elected officials, as well as any attorneys you know. Tell them you want the intentional addition of drugs and poisons to municipal water to stop!

Also, share through your personal networks on Facebook, Twitter, email, etc.

The second signatory of this NGA letter is Erin’s right hand man and main water expert, Robert Bowcock who often travels with Erin or on her behalf.  See:

The third signatory is attorney Michael D. Kohn. His name may be familiar to you. Attny. Kohn won the Dr. Wm. Marcus EPA whistleblower lawsuit in the 1990s. Additionally, Attny Kohn and his brother literally wrote the book on whistleblowers and helped found the national whistleblowers association.  They are among the fifty “Elite Law Firms” in the United States. Stephen Kohn is the current Executive Director at the National Whistleblowers Center.

– Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto:

– Whistleblowers Center:

– Michael Kohn is one of those interviewed in Fluoridegate, and makes his first appearance early in the film:

We have whistled up a wind, sisters!

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