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JRDeal-9-2015Click on this link and donate. The minimum you can donate is $1. I like $1 contributions. Each one is a vote of confidence.

The maximum you can donate is $500. 

I am running a green progressive campaign. I am also attempting to build a model for green, progressive campaigns, one which any city, county, or state in the country could adapt and use as a model.

I am not avoiding controversial issues, which is what my opponents do. As much as they can get away with, my opponents avoid controversial issues. You will not find a page on my opponents' sites saying

"I am for against fluoridation" or

"I am for or against shutting down the Columbia Generating Station", or

"I am for or against GMO labeling" or "I am for or against smart meters", or

"I am for or against a Washington state single payer insurance program".

These issues are controversial, and so my opponents avoid them.

I am encouraging green progressives everywhere to run for office. Instead of pleading with government, green progressives should be the government. I hope my campaign can give you a starting point in building your campaign.

Because mine is a model campaign, it can benefit green progressives elsewhere. For that reason I am working to raise contributions not just from Washingtonians but from Unitedstatesians everywhere. .

What else can you do to help?

Click on this link and get on our mailing list. You do not have to contribute in order to get on your mailing list.

Click on this link and print out my flier. Hand it out to anyone and everyone - whenever it feels appropriate. Forward it to your contacts.

Forward this link – – to all your contacts and ask them to do the same, print out fliers and hand them out.

Call us at 425-774-6611 or 888-999-2022 or email us at, and I will mail you as many copies as you think you can hand out.

Go to and “like” me. Ask your friends to do the same.

Click on this link and donate. Any amount from $1 to $500 is welcome. Donations go through the website and then PayPal and are secure.

If you know of a group that would like to have me speak, let me know.

Call me at 425-774-6611 or 888-999-2022 and give me your feedback. Or email me at James at James Deal dot com.

Call me at 425-774-6611 or 888-999-2022
Email me at James at JamesDeal dot com
Sign up for emails


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