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5G Waves Surprise! More 5G complications (2 articles)

Excerpts: As network operators furtively roll out 5G services, the cellular communications industry is learning about 5G on the fly, finding one unexpected challenge after another. It’s more difficult than they had anticipated, and in response they’re incurring greater startup costs than they’d originally budgeted for….SNIP…From the moment that the wireless industry decided it would make use of higher frequencies for 5G transmission, everyone has known spectrum would have some ramifications for those deployment plans. One issue, it turns out, will probably not be that big of a deal, the other somewhat more consequential, but neither is addressed very often. Both derive from what’s commonly known: the higher the frequency of a wireless signal, the less well it propagates and the less able it is to penetrate obstacles. So as a practical matter: 1) In contrast to deploying 3G and 4G, deploying 5G will require distinct indoor and outdoor strategies. 2) 5G base stations will have to be spaced more closely, necessitating more of them, especially in densely populated areas. SNIP
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