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Paid for by James Robert Deal for US Senate, Box 2276, Lynnwood WA 98036
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RADIO PROGRAM. To listen live or hear previous programs, go to: I go live Sunday nights at 8 PM.
ABOUT JAMES. I am a real estate lawyer and broker. I have been self-employed almost my entire working life. My pro bono work is pointing out the many profitable scams which other politicians either are silent about or support unquestioningly. Maybe they don’t understand science, or maybe they take donations from the scammers. I am the president of Fluoride Class Action and the Coalition Against Smart Meters and 5G. I am a backyard gardener, vegan for 35 years, amateur musician and composer, and happy husband.
ELEMINATE TRAFFIC CONGESTION, REDUCE FUEL CONSUMPTION. Our current mass transit system does not pick us up where we are or take us all the way to where we are going. It is disconnected and difficult to use. So, most of us don’t use it. Most local buses are driven mostly empty most of the time, even in Seattle at night. This is a waste of tax money and a failure to deliver services. Too many of us drive solo, filling up the roads. Transit center parking is maxed out. Mass transit will be a limited success unless we solve the last mile problem and develop an easy way to get to and from the mass transit. The solution is vans summoned by Uber cell phone technology, delivering us from home to transit centers and local destinations. It should be possible to get around without owning a car.
SMART METERS ARE HERE, 5G IS COMING. Smart meters are being installed in Seattle to great opposition. They blast out powerful microwave pulses up to 190,000 times per day, reporting on our every electrical behavior. This data is stored forever and sold to marketers. Smart meters raise utility bills, as is happening in Seattle. They catch fire. They repel birds and insects. For some the effect is debilitating. The WHO says microwaves are Type 2B carcinogens. Schools and businesses should be hard wired. Wi-Fi should mostly be turned off. High frequency G5 “small” cell towers the size of refrigerators on every block will fry us all. Total microwave exposure is the issue. Our goal should be fiber to each home, business, school, and Starbucks, with ethernet plugins everywhere for computers and cell phones. Get Lightning to RJ45 for iPhones. Turn off Wi-Fi in schools, homes, businesses. Put cell phones in airplane when children play with them. Maria Cantwell was an early supporter of smart meters. Ask her to change her position.
STOP DRILLING NOW. All new oil company capital should go into building solar, wind, wave, and tidal. “Hey Shell Oil, how much did you spend? $8 billion in the Chukchi Sea. You left. You said there was no oil. But really there’s a lot. $8 billion would build enough solar, enough solar power to permanently power 230,000 homes.
3 TRILLION ATOMS OF LEAD IN EVERY LITER OF SEATTLE-TACOMA-EVERETT WATER. So-called fluoride added to our water is smokestack scrubbed, toxic waste filth from fertilizer production. It contains lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and thallium. It leaches lead from plumbing. Fluoridation adds around 3 trillion atoms of lead to each quart of water. Fluoride harms the growing fetus, children, and the aged most. It lowers IQ. It is expensive. There are better ways to prevent tooth decay. Most fluoridated water is flushed right into drains and then after treatment into rivers, where it turns back and kills salmon. Fluoridation is a chemical company scam to sell filth for a profit. It is medical quackery. Those who support it are either dupes or fraudsters. I have proposed a way to deliver pristine water at lower cost. Governor Inslee supports fluoridation unquestioningly, and I would assume that Maria Cantwell does too, since this is a standard Democratic Party policy.
BAN ROUNDUP. BECOME AN ORGANIC NATION. Roundup is a type 2A carcinogen, a confirmed carcinogen in animals and therefore a probable carcinogen in humans. Roundup kills the salmon we say we are trying to save. Cities, counties, states and the residents thereof apply vast quantities of Roundup. It flows into streams and Sound, killing salmon. Other countries are banning Roundup.
ORGANIC SCHOOL GARDENS. I would push legislation aimed to encourage and assist schools to put in year-round gardens. The cost would be minimal. The educational and nutritional value would be great. Kids need to eat more vegetables. I am a gardener and a cook. I have recipes that will make kids crave vegetables.
COVERT ACTION IN PLAIN VIEW – WHITE SKIES. Airplanes from McCord and Whidbey Island fly over our state sometimes all day long, spraying a white aerosol that hangs in the sky and spreads out, turning the sky milky white. Credible scientists say this aerosol is aluminum and barium derived from toxic waste coal fly ash captured in the wet scrubbers of coal fired plants. It falls slowly to earth, and we inhale it. It makes soil more alkaline. The government acknowledges that spraying is going on and hints this is done to partially block the sun and cool the earth. But there have been no hearings held, no laws or regulations enacted authorizing this toxic spraying, and no disclosure of possible harms. TV weather broadcasters say nothing about this phenomenon. Most people do not look up. Look up. Pay attention. Demand information.
Roundup kills salmon. Fluoride, at high levels in discharge water from treatment plants, repels and kills salmon. Golf course chemicals kill salmon. We say we want to save the salmon, but we poison them. We should ban use of these chemicals.
BUILD FIBER OPTIC INTERNET. Mount Vernon set up its own internet utility and now sells one gigabyte up and one down for $70 per month. It is a high-tech business magnet. McGinn wanted it in Seattle. We should enable cities and states to install fiber nationwide.
UNSAFE AND HARMFUL CDC VACCINES. There are safe and effective, double blind tested vaccines, but they are not on the CDC approved list. Conversely, the CDC vaccines are not double blind tested, cause many adverse reactions, are relatively ineffective, are “unavoidably unsafe” according to the Supreme Court, and contain toxic excipients such as mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, and GMO organisms. I oppose the CDC vaccines generally, and I oppose mandatory vaccination. I support further vaccine research. One of the flaws in Obamacare is the unquestioning promotion of unsafe vaccines. Presumably, Maria Cantwell supports the CDC vaccines and mandatory vaccination, as does Jay Inslee.
LOWER THE VOTING AGE TO 17. Isle of Man, Austria, Guernsey, Jersey, Ecuador, Argentina, Nicaragua, Brazil, Estonia, and Malta all allow teens of 16 and 17 years to vote.
DECAPITALIZING OUR COUNTRY IS BAD CAPITALISM. TAX HIGH INCOMES. We are failing to invest into infrastructure and our people. The poor and the middle class cannot pay more, and more is needed to rebuild our infrastructure and educate, house, heal our people, and reduce the deficit. The United States is the best place in the world for making money, and those who make a lot of it should pay more. “Do unto others as we would have them do unto us” applies not just to individuals but also to businesses and to government. In Canada a portion of federal tax revenues goes directly to the provinces, and we should consider the same in the US so that the states will have adequate funding, especially during recessions.
CAMPAIGN THEME SONG. The Golden Rule applies to big companies, rich people, to government, and to all of us. States could and should require corporations to have a code of ethics which says that “profits must be goal number two, after doing something good for the world”. States charter corporations, and states can un-charter corporations, meaning that shareholders would lose their immunity to being sued. Corporations are not people and can be discriminated against for unethical behavior, whereas natural persons cannot. Unethical corporations can become a malignant form of artificial intelligence unless reigned in. Monsanto and Merck are prime examples.
SUPPORT, PROTECT LGBTQ COMMUNITY. We should not allow discrimination and hate crimes against those of our friends, co-workers, and neighbors who happen to be different in their orientation. Hate crime laws should be strengthened. Equally important is the education of homophobes. I will speak out.
HOUSE THE HOMELESS. Housing the homeless is the right thing to do. And it costs less than detox centers, emergency rooms, shelters, and jails. Once housed, the homeless are much more likely to get jobs, earn money, and get clean. The rent would be 30% of whatever income they had. We should find funding and keep building units of various sizes and house the homeless without insisting that they get clean as a prerequisite. They are more likely to get clean and deal with mental illness if they first have a secure place to live.
PROTECT CHILDREN. Child prostitution slavery is rampant. We must do more to protect the vulnerable.
PROTECT SINGLE MOTHERS. Life is difficult for single mothers. We should support them so they can raise the next generation. I encourage those with sufficient means to adopt, and not just adopt the child, but adopt both mother and child.
PROTECT PRISONERS. ABOLISH BAIL. The mistreatment which prisoners receive must end. If the accused is dangerous or likely to flee, the accused should not be released for any amount of bail. Otherwise, the accused should be released, although with conditions such as reporting and an ankle cuff. Bail is a racket that jails the poor unfairly.
LEGALIZE MOST RECREATIONAL DRUGS. Most recreational drugs should be legalized and sold in state stores, with profits used to provide immediate addition treatment. Such a policy would raise needed revenues and diminish organized crime.
REFORM ELECTION, CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAWS. I have proposed a comprehensive proposal for reforming the way we conduct and finance campaigns. We must bar lobbyists from contributing to politicians and connecting politicians up with donations. The revolving door must be closed. There are ways to greatly reduce the cost of running for office, making it possible for those of lesser means but great talent to run for office.
DEMAND THAT TRUMP STOP TAKING PROPECIA, which has serious has side effects including insomnia, drowsiness, brain fog, anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. It can also reduce sexual function.
DEMOCRATS AT THE TOP ARE NOT GREEN ENOUGH. While the Democratic base is progressive and green, the top Democrats who get elected are Wall Street Democrats. Maria Cantwell supports smart meters. Presumably she supports fluoridation and mandatory vaccination since this is a standard Democratic Party position.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Call me at 425-774-6611. Email me at Visit my web sites:,, and
Paid for by James Robert Deal for US Senate, Box 2276, Lynnwood WA 98036
I read your website about the fluoride class action with re-newed hope that someone like yourself and other high profile people are fighting against the fluoridation of drinking water. The health impact of fluoridation is devastating enough but to learnt that it disproportionately effect the Black and Hispanic community is even more disgusting.
We are a small group of people in Northern Ireland who are fighting against the possible fluoridation of our water. At the moment our politicians are not listening to us. Could you please give us some idea of what impact fluoridation is having on the Black and Hispanic communities and any insights into how to proceed with our challenge in Northern Ireland.
Would you or any of your colleagues be willing to write to our Health Minister and explain to him just what impact fluoridation is having from your experience of dealing with those effected by it. I know you are very busy but this would greatly help our campaign over here.
Perhaps you could explain how you went about bringing this legal action, what obstacles and arguements you faced and how you overcame them please, to see if we could do something similar over here.
Thanks very much for your time.
Stephen McMurray
From James: The fight against adding toxic waste drugs containing lead, arsenic, and hydrogen fluoride to our drinking water is a world wide fight. It is not a communist conspiracy; it is a chemical company conspiracy – to turn toxic waste which would cost a lot of money to dispose of into a dental elixer. See for the full story of how this fraud got started.
I wish I could vote for you, Mr. Deal, but while I grew up in beautiful Snohomish County, I now live in King County. Rarely have I ever had the opportunity to vote for such a strong environmental advocate, as you obviously are—and NEVER for county executive! You have done what no other politician in our state, that I’m aware of, has had the courage to do—that is, to vocally and knowledgeably speak out against adding the toxic waste product fluorosilicic acid (inaccurately called “fluoride”) to public drinking water. I sincerely hope that Snohomish County voters recognize the gem of a leader that they could have in you. You have so much to offer and so many refreshing beliefs and ideas! Snohomish County is thirsty for an impeccably honest county executive and you would fill that need perfectly. I wish you the best of luck in your campaign!
Thank you for running. Many people don’t seem to realize what is happening to us because of the simple lack of “REAL” food and “CLEAN” water. I believe that most illness is caused by not having these.
We will be voting for you, good luck!
Sure I will Vote for you , You are the best
All of James Deal’s ideas are for making our lives better, and from his past actions I know he will fight to
remove the harmful toxins that we have been exposed to.
James Deal is an honest, knowledgeable, informed man who will be an excellent County Executive!
So… for the BEST DEAL, vote for JAMES DEAL.
Hello James,
We need an attorney for a class action lawsuit against Austin City Council members who voted unanimously to continue poisoning Austin residents with fluoride.
Can you help?
Jock Doubleday
I appreciate your stand against flouridated water.
Dick McManus for Snohomish County Charter Review Commission District Two
Snohomish County Progressives/Liberals Uncensored website
Dick McManus News and Views That Corporate Media Tries Hard to Hide
Prosecute Bush for war crimes
Impeach Antonin Scalia for Supporting Torture
my online book SOME UNKNOWN HISTORY OF THE U.S. – a work in progress
You should skip the CIA Table of Organization that I put at the beginning of each chapter to find the written history. Learn about the crimes of the CIA and US war crimes, Department of Justice- cover-up of drug trafficking, etc
by Dick McManus
Chief Warrant Officer-3/counterintelligence special agent, and combat paramedic, Vietnam, US Army retired, BS in psychology and nursing –
Everett, WA
9/11 Truth Seattle
Pilots for 9/11 Truth
Demanding a new Congressional investigation of 9/11
Democrats Demanding a new Congressional investigation of 9/11
The End of Cheap Oil!/groups/461146587275445/
Running on Empty Caucus of United States Democrats
Changing the norm to help stop global warming
Third political parties have no chance of winning elections
Green Democratic Party of the USA
I want a plan “B” in case technology does not come to our rescue. As it stand now we are just hoping technology will come to our rescue. There are no sustainable energy sources that will rescue us at our current population levels . Global warming will only be mitigated with extremely stringent emissions policies that reduce our consumption rates.
We will not continue to see the same energy use per person or services provided to each person by increasing the use of sustainable energy methods and improved efficiency in the use of energy.
If is false to assume by reducing consumption and by constructing sustainable energy infrastructure and then everything will level out and avoid the collapse of industrial civilization.
Americans have a right to want zero population growth and this cannot happen due to our national immigration policy.
2. Ethical population reduction must be a part of any plan to rationally deal with peak oil (the end of cheap oil, natural gas, and coal), global climate change, species decline or extinction, and natural resources depletion.
3. We must change our ethical standard and agree that the most ethical behavior is to adopt a child and it is a bit less ethical to only have one child or twins. We must help educate women in the world.
4. Global climate change will only be mitigated with extremely stringent emissions policies that reduce our consumption rates.
But now 86% of the world’s population lives in countries where the demands made on nature – the nation’s “ecological footprint” – outstrip what that country’s resources can cope with.
The Global Footprint Network, which calculates earth overshoot day, said it would currently take 1.5 Earths to produce the renewable natural resources needed to support human requirements.
Climate Change and Population are related.
The Aspen Institute has estimated that voluntary family planning for all who want it could provide 8 to 15 percent of needed carbon reductions. David Wheeler and Dan Hammer at the Center for Global Development argue that putting climate dollars into family planning programs (to make up for expected shortfalls) compares favorably to many investments in low-carbon technologies.
In developing countries, more than 220 million women want to avoid pregnancy but are not using modern contraceptives. In developed countries, removing barriers to top-tier, long-acting contraceptives like IUDs and implants dramatically changes the rate of unintended pregnancy.
In 2014, the vast majority (87 percent) of scientists said that human activity is driving global warming, and yet only half the American public ascribed to that view. And 77 percent of scientists said climate change is a very serious problem. In comparison, only 33 percent of the general public said it was a very serious problem in a 2013 poll.
Here are some good videos
Right now in the United States it takes ten calories of oil – seven of them imported – to grow and get to table one calorie of food.
The End of Cheap Oil!/groups/461146587275445/
Running on Empty Caucus of United States Democrats
A new study finds more than 80 percent of the world’s known coal reserves, and about half of gas reserves, must remain unburned in order to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change.
abrupt global warming
Science of Climate Change – Water Climate and Society: Challenges in a Rapidly Changing World
Climate change videos
part 2/2 human cause of global warming
methane bomb
Changing the norm to help stop global warming
Weeding out the psycho-talking the candidates for public office and our US military
We need to be asking all our candidates and elected officials what they don’t believe in to weed out the psycho-talkers. I do not believe the following these things.
Do they believe people have actually seen an alien being or space ship/UFO from out-space; notwithstanding that people have seen strange things/lights in the sky that are unexplained.
Do you believe the AFT officers wanted to kill children at WACO.
Do they believe some intelligence beings (aliens) from another solar system planted a seed into an Earth animals that evolved in humans (jump starting human evolution), that some our advanced technology was copied from alien space craft that crashed, that the US government has recovered parts of an alien out-space craft, or aliens brought to earth technology that that uses pyramids and/or obelisks to make energy, and do they believe that some intelligence beings are watching humans on Earth and waiting for us to grow more civilized or whatever. And they are communicating with us in code via crop circles.
Do they believe we will never run out of CHEAP oil.
Do they believe that Nikola Tesla invented unlimited, free energy and the energy producing, companies are keeping it a secret.
Do they believe that people can bend spoons with their minds, they can somehow predict what will happen in the future, communicate with dead people, and read other people’s thoughts.
Do they believe in ghosts, human vanpires, and/or demons. That on a clear night a full moon can makes people loony.
Do they believe that the US did not really landed a man on the moon, that the holocaust of the Jews did not happened, and that our national income tax is unconstitutional.
Do they believe that global warming is a myth or is not man-made.
Do they believe that low levels of fluoride used to prevent tooth decay in our drinking water, is poisoning our citizens.
Do they believe WACO was a deliberately plan by the FBI to kill children.
Weirdest Fundamentalist Christian beliefs:
Do they believe:
1) Same-sex marriage is an elaborate scheme concocted by lesbians to entrap men.
2) Gay men wear special rings for the sole purpose of giving innocent straights HIV.
3) The abortion-mad Chinese eat human fetuses.
4) Crazed liberals in Illinois want to teach 5-year-olds how to have sex.
5) Charles Darwin took it all back the day he died.
6) They are trying to lure your children into Satanism with Harry Potter books.
9) Birth control pill turns your uterus into a grave littered with teeny-weeny corpses of fully formed babies.
10) Do they believe babies born with birth defects are God’s “special punishment” for women who have had abortions.
11) Do they believe that every bad thing that happens is because in the recent decades, God removed his hedge of protection from the United States, in order to punish us for “turning our back on God.” Or removed her hedge of protection…